Pleasure Jam. 3rd PLACE :)
Competions, Film projects, Filmingchris osmentaimee fuller, anna gasser, dachstein, dachstein glacier, full on, gb team, hamish mcknight, isabel derungs, lukas pilz, nate kern, oneill, oneill pleasure jam, pleasure jam, pleasure jam 2013, podium, q parks, red bull tv, rowan coultas, schladming
Whitelines Shred Tunes.
FULL ON - Episode 1.
Film projects, GB Team, red bull, Uncategorized, Videoschris osmentaimee fuller, aspen, breckenridge, bromley ski centre- portrush, cooper, dew tour, double backflip, dry slope uk, giants causeway, john roderick, kent, keston, keystone, neu productions, red bull, Red Bull UK, skiing, snowboarding, woodward at cooper
Cover of the RED BULLETIN.
Favourite food - Yoghurt!